Go to the following catagories of links (all in alphabetical order by catagory):

Its all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then its fun and games with one eye.


Where else can you buy a bunch of SHIT without having to leave your house? I look at some of the absolute crap I have bought off ebay and I hate myself. I love this site! My roommate says I should be banned from it...he is probably right! A few of the bumb shit things I have bought off there includes 85 Halle Berry magazine clippings for my roommate for Xmas, a book about pancreas diseases, and a Britney Spears item that I won't mention eexactly what it is :-)


Ah, the game of the Gods! Unfortunately, there aren't many people on the west side of the U.S. that know how to play this. It is sad. So I have to play online. Most of the people that play are back east or in Canada. I guess I just live in an euchre void. So if you know how to play euchre, you should go to Yahoo! games and play. Look for me if you go, my screen name is duckyguy313.


Google is easily the best search engine out there. Even the internet giant Yahoo! uses Google's system. Go a head and try it...you know you want to...type in your name. See what comes up.


The imdb is the coolest movie database that I know of. You can search by actors, titles, characters, crew, quotes...almost anything!!

The Onion

For those of you that don't know what the onion is, go to the site now. Please stop reading and just go. You need to. It is is a mock newspaper, but the writers are absolute geniuses! One of my dreams would be to write for this paper someday. Here are links directly to my five favorite online stories by the onion:

The Stranger

The Stranger is one of the three local weekly papers here in Seattle...but it is by far the best! It is closely related to the Portland Mercury. The have great stories each week, not to mention the Last Days, I Anonymous, and Savage Love each week are hilarious. If you are not in the Seattle area, you can check it out weekly online at this site.

The Warren Report

When I first heard of The Warren Report, I thought it had something to do with the Warren Commission that poorely investigated the execution of JFK. Boy I was wrong! If you are a film freak such as myself, you should visit this site regularly. If you are in Seattle, even better! Warren hosts special screenings of movies and stuff. Go check it out!

A good friend will bail you out of jail. Your best friend will be sitting next to you in jail saying "That was fucking awesome!"


Don't you just love the banner? hehe Janett is the girl to talk to if you want to a) laugh, and b) get bombarded with quotes! A walking dictionary of quotes. Very sweet and nice gal who is a blast to talk to :-) (and she likes Playboy *drool*) Go check out her page, and be nice dammit!


What hasn't the Beautiful Baby done? She's met Dave, Boyd, and Stefan! She has seen the band 32 times (w/7 more this summer)!!!! She knows, she's on crack. The ultimate Dave fan. Not only that, she has a degree in playing with minds! Don't worry, she would never use her powers for evil. Kathy helped me more than she'll ever know during a hard time in my life, and I thank her. So go visit her, and enjoy the pictures! Kathy is so fucking money and she doesn't even know it!


This is Michelle's site. She is really cool. Straightforward about her enjoyment of porn. Gotta be a big fan of that. She likes the Lakers...so she isn't perfect obviously. She likes Dave Matthews, John Mayer, and TOOL. So the musical taste is there. But the Lakers?!?! COME ON MICHELLE! GEEZ!


This is Sarah's page. No, she is not a gay man. And don't call her Stune, Jartha, or 8-ball. Go to her page, and enjoy. And wish her luck on the job hunt!


This is a link to my friend Stephen's hiking page. This guy is friggin crazy! He has hiked the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Crest Trail (both over 2,000 miles each). He left on June 15th to walk to the Continental Divide Trail which is over 2,700 miles! He will be uploading updates and pictures from pay phones along the way. Should be done sometime in November or December. Crazy bastard!

Why are men smarter after sex? They've just been plugged into a genius.


You need to download Acrobat Reader if you want to view and .pdf files. Right now, the only one I have is the Munchos Report and my roommate's classified ad.


This is the site that most of my writings are posted on. The ones that I explode into little stories I will put on this site. Otherwise, its all on xanga. This is the link to my xanga page.

Go back.